Denver Vendor Spotlight: J.C. Custom Design Works

How would you describe your style? 

I don't think I can pinpoint or identify with a particular style. I tend to like and lean more toward modern woodworking, however I’m not sure that is completely reflective in the wine and spirit racks, as well as the bottle openers i've been making. RIght now, I feel like my style is functional and Colorado-Ish. I am really have fun combining the Colorado beetle kill with our Colorado flag. I like to sneak in some led lighting here and there.

Are there any artists / designers that you particularly look up to?  

I truly find a lot of inspiration from watching others in the artist community, who are making and doing what they are passionate about, They are out there hustlin’ and selling products they’ve made and love. Seeing their enthusiasm and excitement is what keeps me inspired to keep creating, as I try to follow down a similar path. I like to think that every artist/crafter/maker out there is potentially a step away from becoming the next BIG thing. You never know who is eyeballing your work, it could always lead to bigger things. There is some amazing talent out there!

What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 

Being able to take something that is devastating our beautiful Rocky Mountain forests like the beetle kill wood and upcycling it into something creative and practical is pretty unique. The natural grains in the beetle kill wood are always different and full of surprises, which makes each piece unique right from the start. I’m particularly honored to have some beetle kill wood from the Black Forest fire of Colorado Springs in 2013. The heat from the fire affected the colors and grains giving them a super unique appearance.

What is your creative process like

I think the creative process is always evolving. Part of my process is simply thinking about the grains on a board and getting the creative juices flowing. The next step in the process which is my favorite but the longest, it’s the problem solving along with creating the templates, jigs, and methods necessary for the final piece.

Where can we learn more about you?

I have my website with some pics and all my links at but I mostly post to instagram @jccustomdesignworks

Anything you'd like to add that I didn't ask....?

Many years ago I got nicknamed “Elroy” after the Jetsons cartoon. For whatever reason, it stuck and I havn’t been able to shake it. Now as I am aging into an old man, I’ve accepted it and I just roll with it. However,  my mom always wants me to be sure to let  people know that she didn’t name me that.