Phoenix Vendor Spotlight: Sonia Gracia Handmade

How would you describe your style?  Are there any artists / designers that you particularly look up to?

I describe my style as simple, bold and modern. I am always inspired by women artists/designers such as Frida Kahlo, Eileen Gray and Georgia O'Keeffe.

What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 

My designs are an extension of my visions and my personality.  The colors, textures, and materials converge into my creations.  They are the offsprings ofmy architecture background and my own design visions.  

What sort of things inspire you?  Where do you look for inspiration?

My daughters are a big part of my inspiration. They make me see the world humbly. They make me thrive and work harder.  I am also fortunate to have a husband that encourages my creativity. 

Inspiration comes to me in different forms and shapes, butI find that memories are a big influence in my creativity.  My days growing up in Puerto Rico with the beautiful deep and prominent colors of the Caribbean are a major influence in my designs. Now that I live here in the desert, I find its colors, shapes, and patterns  that make up these beautiful landscapes are becoming embedded in my visions.

When do you feel the most creative?

I am the most creative early in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand.  Or whenever I have a quiet moment to myself  which is hard to come by.

What is your creative process like?

I look at color patterns and materials and think of an idea. I start by drawing and using color to have a complete look.  Then I can start making my pieces and finally combining everything until I am satisfied.  Creating is a constant process. You are always thinking about it;  You need to draw it, make it, draw it again, make it again, until it makes sense. 

What's the coolest artistic tip you've ever received?

When I was in my last year of architecture school I was always drawn to my memories and experiences to create a space.  It was during one of those moments that my studio teacher always told me to sketch, sketch, sketch because it was the only way to visualize what I was thinking. 

Where can we learn more about you?  

You can find out more about me on: 


