Posts tagged hot chick aprons
Phoenix Vendor Spotlight: Hot Chick Aprons

How would you describe your style?  
I'd say my style is a mixture of a few elements...a little bit modern, a little bit bohemian, and a little bit vintage.  


Are there any artists / designers that you particularly look up to?
There are so many to choose from!  I'm a big fan of Justina Blakeney, author of The Modern Bohemian and creator of The Jungalow.  I admire her sense of style and her love of mixing prints.  I feel like we'd be friends if we met :)

What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 
I've always been the friend who gives handmade gifts for birthdays, weddings, special life events, etc.  And fortunately for me, my friends and family seem to love receiving these handmade gifts!  I just feel like there's more life and love attached to the gift, and it makes a person feel special when they receive it.  I think this is why I love doing custom apron orders.  I love finding prints that match a person's aesthetic and then creating a product that I know they'll love.

What sort of things inspire you? 
First and foremost my friends and family inspire me.  The support I get from them to continue creating my product is most inspiring.  Also, I've come to the realization that I am a fabric addict.  I am obsessed with textiles!  Finding prints and mixing and matching them makes my heart flutter!  That feeling inspires me.

Where do you look for inspiration?
I love shopping at the local vintage shops and finding quirky items that are rich with history.  I'm inspired every time I go to farmer's markets and flea markets.  It's so great to see all the talented vendors selling products that their hearts (and time) go into. There's just so much creativity out there!  

When do you feel the most creative?
It's strange to say, but I'm most creative when I've had the least amount of sleep!

What's the coolest artistic tip you've ever received?
"Believe in your product and others will too." and "Your love for your product will be contagious."

Where can we learn more about you?
You can also find me on
Instagram @hotchickaprons
Twitter @hotchickaprons
Facebook @hotchickaprons

Shop Hot Chick Aprons at Jackalope Art & Craft Fair on December 12th & 13th at Steele Indian School Park, Phoenix AZ!