Meet D's Cookiesss

How did you come up with your company name?

The name D’s Cookiesss was simple, when you’re having a party and not sure what to bring, you bring “D’s Cookiesss” but also its my initials :)

How did you get your start?

My baking adventure began during the pandemic. I was unable to work at my job due to school closures so I kept myself busy by baking. Chocolate chip cookies are my all time favorite so I got to work and perfected the BEST Chocolate Chip Cookie; that was just the start. My kids encouraged me to put myself out there and share my cookies with everyone! So here we are today with D's Cookiesss, I hope you enjoy my baking journey with me!

I bet your kids enjoyed being taste testers! Do you have a favorite part of the maker process?

My favorite part of this baking journey has been creating in the kitchen. There so many variations of cookies and endless mix ins that you can create almost anything from a simple cookie

What / who is your biggest influence?

My biggest baking influencer is my mom. She has been baking her whole life and always had a special traditional Italian dessert to make for every holiday and season.

Very sweet! What does success mean to you?

I define success as a baker when someone is tasting my cookie for the first time and it leave them speechless!

Always a good sign! Does baking help you in other aspects of life?

Baking definitely helps with my stress levels. Gives me a way to forget what’s going on and focus on creating my next cookie..

Can you give us an idea of what you will be bringing to Jackalope?

I will be bringing all of my favorite cookies with me. Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Brownie, Peanut Butter, Rainbow, D’s with Nuts, Oatmeal Raisin, and I always have a cookie of the month that will be a surprise.

YUM! Anything special you would like to add?

My Cookiesss are not your typical cookie, these will definitely satisfy your cookie craving

We can’t wait to see you in person this November 19th & 20th, 2022 in Old Pasadena!

Where to see more of D’s Cookiesss:

Website |

Instagram | @dscookiesss