Pasadena Vendor Spotlight: Story Spark


How would you describe your style?  Are there any artists / designers that you particularly look up to?
We'd say our style incorporates a flat design aesthetic that's minimalist yet playful. Wow, there are just so many inspiring artists and designers that are an inspiration! To name a few: David Hockney, Bill Viola, Ed Fella, Joe Sorren. Ultimately we look up to those who have a vision and have a means to creatively execute it.   


What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own? 
With all of our work, we try hard to begin with an underlying story, message or perspective to convey. From that story, we find ways to combine differing elements into something that can effectively deliver a visual message that is unique and engaging.  

What sort of things inspire you?  Where do you look for inspiration?
Some sources of inspiration include: art galleries, comic books, podcasts and current events.

When do you feel the most creative?
Typically, the most creative times are in the mornings after a cup of coffee or at the end of the day with a glass of wine.


What is your creative process like?
Our creative process usually begins after identifying potential concepts that we'd like to explore. Discovering these concepts sometimes results after a brainstorm session between Sun and myself or as random thoughts that emerge organically. From there, we sketch out possibilities and look for sources of inspiration that can help determine a visual form. Lastly, the final execution takes place on the computer where we can perfect the piece as much as needed.

What's the coolest artistic tip you've ever received?
Art is all about the process rather than the final result. One has to truly enjoy the journey in order to create something meaningful to themselves and others.

Where can we learn more about you?  
You can see more at or check us out on Instagram and Facebook.