Meet the Denver Jurors: Rebecca Hensley

CEO and Founder of Share Denver

Q. Tell us a little about yourself & your background in the arts & crafts world?           

A. I’m Becky Hensley and I run Share Denver - a community craft and maker space in Denver’s lovely Park Hill neighborhood. My background in arts & crafts started at home with my mother who learned how to embroider and crochet from her great grandmother and grandmother.

I was a pretty obstinate student, as a child, and didn’t pick up my own embroidery and crochet practice until much later. But once I did, I was hooked (pun intended!).

Q. What/who is your biggest inspiration?   

A. My mom is my inspiration. She didn’t have an awesome childhood, but she made a concerted effort to give me a great life and she was always committed to continuing her education and professional development. 

Also, I’m inspired by Lynda Barry, all the teachers at Share Denver, and Santiago Burritos!

Q. How did you get into your position in the arts & crafts world?

A. When I moved to Denver, I was tired of the punk rock party scene and wanted to start doing things that were a bit more productive. I started a group called Denver Craft Ninjas. It started in the backyards and basements of people’s homes, but moved to a fantastic punk rock bar. 

Denver Craft Ninjas created a foundation that Share Denver was built on and I’m so proud of the community that exists because of it.

Q. Tell us about a few favorites of yours: Weekend Activity/Color/Animal?

A. I love to hike with my dude. Drink wine and watch Netflix, eat Mexican food, and start projects I never finish! I love every color as long as it’s black. And I’m REALLY into puppies right now - which is a problem because I can’t have one.

Q. What do you love most about the handmade movement?

A. The community that lives around it. In my experience in Denver, I have encountered the most responsive and supportive group of people that legitimately want good things to happen for their fellow crafters, makers and artisans.

Sometimes it is hard to break into communities, but Denver really loves its makers - it wants them to thrive. And I love that I live here in a city that’s like that!

Q. What is the most important feature in an artist's application for you?

A. That they are being themselves. Not trying to be anyone else. Not making what they think people want, but making what they want.

Q. What are you most looking forward to in being a part of the Jackalope Arts jury? 

A. Seeing all the amazing work of people in our community!

Q. Where can we find out more about you?

A. Come to Share Denver and take a workshop with me or one of our amazing teachers! Or better yet, take our Teacher Training and work with us!

Hit up our website for details: