Meet Rosamond Street & Co

Where are you from and how does that affect your work?
I grew up mostly in Georgia, but was originally from California and always had it in my heart. Being homesick created a forlorning that improved my imagination and love of art even more. 

How did you come up with your company name?

The name Rosamond belongs to my late grandmother and is a tribute to her. Her paintings made a big impression on me as a child and they continue to make me feel connected to her.

Love that, speaking of inspiration, who/what are your biggest artistic influences?
I’m inspired by Matisse, Van Gogh, and the Art Deco era

How do you define success as an artist?
Contentment. We all love validation from others, but if we’re not happy with our own work, it will show.

Very true. Does your art help you in other areas of your life?

It has always helped me emotionally, getting me through sadness and anxiety.

How have you developed your skill at your craft?
About a year ago I first learned how to use a laser cutter and graphic design at a high school I used to work for. After learning basics, I quickly fell in love and bought my own laser cutter and began practicing. Prior to that, jewelry-making in particular was completely new to me as an art form.

It is always fun learning a new skill, keeping our brain active! What is the hardest part of your creation process?
Definitely learning and improving in graphic design has been the hardest part. For laser cutting, graphic design works best over traditional drawing and I don’t necessarily think of myself as a technical person.

How has your style changed over time?
Prior to laser cutting, I briefly made jewelry with polymer clay, which is a completely different medium, so my style has had to adapt as each medium has its strengths and weaknesses. I also have a lot of interests, so I go through phases of creating novelty pieces and then elegant pieces, so I expect I’ll still go back and forth between these styles and continue to evolve.

Keeping it fresh for you as the artist I am sure helps with the creativity. What’s the best thing about being an artist?

That people can understand you through your art. We express ourselves through art and we can feel a connection to others through art. 

What’s your favorite item that you’re created, and why?

My favorite item I’ve made is my cloud earrings. They’re very whimsical and fun, which best represents me.

Beautiful! We can’t wait to see you in person this November 19th & 20th at Jackalope Pasadena!

Where to see more of Rosamond Street & Co.:

Website |

Instagram | @rosamondstreet