Craft Fair Scams To Look Out For

Scam Alert!

A number of different scams have been going around recently centered around craft fairs, and we want to keep you all in the loop so you don’t fall victim to these scams yourself.

Email offering attendee lists (or any other list of email addresses) for purchase:

Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with Jackalope and they do NOT have the data they are attempting to sell. The email may look something like this:

Facebook comments / messages about vendor spots available:

This particular scam starts out innocently enough, but if you engage with the scammer, they will next send ask you to send them a deposit to their Venmo or PayPal.

No one from Jackalope will ask you to submit payment for a booth space via PayPal or Venmo. You can always find active applications for our upcoming events here:

Hotel Booking Scam:

It has been brought to our attention that fraudsters are sending emails from "RESERVATION TEAM" and "HOTEL RESERVATION". They are contacting attendees and exhibitors claiming to be representatives able to obtain discounted hotel rooms. These individuals ARE NOT affiliated with Jackalope and are not authorized to use our name, the name of our events, or the name of partner hotels.

What happens with this one is they likely actually book you a room at said hotel, getting you a confirmation email and everything. Seems legit. Then, they cancel the booking themselves, keep your money, and the hotel has no record fo your stay at all.

Unfortunately, we’ve witnessed people fall prey to these various scams, so we want to keep you aware of anything we know about that could be a potential scam.

We will continue to update this as we are made aware of any further scams. Be vigilant everyone!