Posts tagged kelsey's starstuff
Denver Vendor Spotlight: Kelsey's Starstuff

How would you describe your style? 
I would call my style magical realism because it brings you in and out of this reality. A little magic mixed with some science makes an extraordinary universe. I am inspired by the abstract expressionist painters such as, Wasily Kandinsky and Cy Twombly, along with ceramics Martha Russo and Christina Bothwell. 

When do you feel most creative?
Early, early in the morning!

What is your creative process like? 
I start in the potter's wheel, almost always, with a hunk of porcelain. Once I throw a perfect cup, bowl, vase, plate, etc., I "ruin" it, or rather I alter it, so that each one is completely unique. After throwing, I add a pocket for resin castings (if it will be a resin piece). Once the bisque firing is done, I freely paint on my crystalline glazes (and other glazes) however I feel will look best for that particular piece. Then, after the crystalline firing is done I go back with gold and mother of pearly lusters and fire for the last time. Finally, if the piece will be a resin encased piece, I will spread my insects the night before and then pour resin the following. 

What sort of things inspire you? 
I am inspired by astrophysics mainly, specifically the origins of life via the death of stars and atomic theory. I combine this love of the universe with the harmony of all matter-- the stars, the beetles, the plants, the rocks, the humans, the clay are all made of the same initial matter present at the birth of the universe. My work explores the interconnectedness of all these things and more, so that users can feel a connection to the cosmos and feel they have a piece of the universe in their hands. 

Where can we learn more about you?
I am kind of new to the web, so I have a start up website and Instagram that I try to update regularly. Instagram is the best bet for updates on me and my cosmic creations! 

What can we expect to see from you at Jackalope?
Customers can expect to see many more exciting insect encased cups, bowls, and brooches; crystal encased ceramic pieces; and lots of crystalline glazes, gold, and mother of pearl lusters! Check on my Instagram leading up to Jackalope to get an idea of what to expect at my booth in December.