Posts tagged light art
Pasadena Vendor Spotlight: Giving Ray

How did you start in the Handmade community?

After I had my son a few years back I was looking for something to inspire me creatively. I was also looking for something that I could do on my own, for me. I have always had a deep love for stained glass. Being an Art History minor I would be drawn to stained glass and the stories they tell. I found a great class at Stained Glass Supplies, which is now in Pasadena, and I took classes there. I found that my drawings translated really well into glass. It all kind of grew from then on. My friends started wanting me to make them pieces and I saw that I had finally found my medium.

What or who inspires you?

Books! I am a reader so all of my pieces are named after a character, a setting, or a feeling within my favorite novels. I am also very inspired by the world around me. I have been known to find patterns in nature, clothing, and architecture.

What makes your work unique and truly your own?

All of my pieces are original. I first hand draw them then my husband who is a graphic designer vectors them onto the computer. He will tweak my designs and make them a little more “balanced”.  It is very special to be able to work with him artistically. I am lucky to have him look over and help me with my designs.

What can we expect to see from you at Jackalope?

You can expect to see many of my handmade original sun catchers, a few panels, and mobiles.  Each piece is made in the copper foil method. Within my pieces I use both translucent and opaque glass.