Posts tagged redemption road coffee
Denver Vendor Spotlight: Redemption Road Coffee

Meet Redemption Road Coffee, creators of craft coffee in Mead Colorado.


What do you feel makes your work unique and truly your own?
Our mission is what sets us apart.  We roast coffee with a much bigger cause in mind.

When you buy a freshly roasted bag of Redemption Road Coffee, you’re not just buying good coffee…You're supporting a cause.

You're supporting individual hardworking families all across the globe.

You're supporting my family in our mission to help people live more authentically both emotionally and spiritually.

You're joining a community of people with the desire and vision to make the world a better place.


Tell us about how you got started:
Aaron Harsch began roasting his own coffee in a whirleypop crank-handle popcorn maker in 2010. As he researched and experimented he began to perfect his roast creating a smooth, flavorful coffee. Friends would say “You make a great coffee!" and he and his wife would give their coffee as Christmas gifts. The Harsch’s home-roasted coffee was well-loved. 

During that time, Aaron, with the support of his wife Jessica, began a non-profit organization called Redemption Road. Redemption Road runs groups and weekend intensives that help men learn how to live in freedom. 

In the fall of 2015 a friend made a comment to Aaron in passing: "You should sell this coffee to support Redemption Road".  For some reason that idea hit home. Aaron started considering what it  would take to start a coffee roasting business.   That Thanksgiving, he and his wife decided they would make this a reality. They bought an industrial drum roaster, obtained the necessary licenses and opened for business.

Not only would this coffee support their own family, but they would give 10% of the profits away to help support Redemption Road and other great causes.  The Harsch’s also saw that they could support international families and communities from whom they sourced their coffees. This is why the descriptions on their coffees are so long.  They want you to know the whole story. They want you to know about the people who hand-picked the coffee cherries, and what they are using the profits for in their communities. 


What sort of things inspire you?
Excellent coffee with a cause;  seeing people gain freedom and healing and be the best version of a person they can be.

When do you feel the most creative?
When we are rested and create space and usually good music

Where can we learn more about you? and is our not for profit